Ideas for the Common Good

Christian faithfulness implores a responsibility to work toward creating a better world, one that reflects God’s original design and intention for all creation. In 21st century America, the stakes are high. Incivility and intolerance are winning the day as each looks out for himself. But is their an opportunity for Christans to embody something different? Q founder Gabe Lyons shares the implications and the opportunity for common good thinking in our time.

Gabe Lyons is the founder of Q—a learning community that mobilizes Christians to advance the common good in society and author of The Next Christians: The Good News About the End of Christian America (Doubleday, 2010). Additionally, he is the co-author of UnChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks About Christianity and Why It Matters, a bestselling book based on original research that revealed the pervasiveness of pop culture’s negative perceptions of Christians.

Prior to launching Q, Gabe co-founded Catalyst, a national gathering of young leaders. His work represents the perspectives of a new generation of Christians and has been featured by CNN, the New York Times, Fox News and USA Today. Gabe, his wife Rebekah, and their three children reside in Manhattan, New York.