International Orphanage Union Bolivia

International Orphanage Union provides homes for orphans in Bolivia. They build small homes for 10 children and partner with the local church to find a Christian couple to lead each home. Uniquely, IOU Bolivia has established multiple business enterprises for the sole purpose of providing a sustainable model for the ongoing financial needs of each child within the house.

Mike Timmer
Mike and his family serve as missionaries in Bolivia. In 2003 they created International Orphanage Union and have built eight home-style orphanages. With 20 years experience in business Mike leverages those skills to create enterprises that fully fund the living expenses of each home. Their hope is to provide Christian homes for each of the 200,000 orphans in Bolivia and provide for all their physical needs through business ventures established solely for orphans.

Samuel Frank
Samuel first visited Bolivia in 2008 and has been advising International Orphanage Union in an ever increasing roll since then; identifying, researching and launching new businesses; as well as setting direction in organization, communication and marketing. Samuel is currently attending the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University and is focusing on strategic development and innovative social entrepreneurship. In addition to his work with International Orphanage Union, Samuel has developed social enterprise solutions in Guatemala with a specific focus on integrating feedback from local communities into potential poverty alleviation solutions. Before business school, Samuel worked in strategic consulting and design engineering roles with several automotive manufacturers.