What Can We Agree On?

While the “Religious Right” rose to prominence over the last 30 years in American public life, the “Religious Left” also maintains a strong base. Media coverage of these two factions often accentuates their sharp disagreements over social and political issues. But what can the faithful on the left and the right agree on during this election season? Two leading voices from both sides of the debate sit down to discuss where they see common ground.

Dr. Richard Land has served as president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission since 1988. As host of For Faith & Family and Richard Land LIVE!, two nationally syndicated radio programs, Dr. Land addresses social, ethical, and public policy issues facing our country. Dr. Land’s latest book, The Divided States of America? What Liberal and Conservatives Get Wrong About Faith and Politics is published by Thomas Nelson. For more information about the ERLC, visit www.erlc.com.

Jim Wallis is a bestselling author, public theologian, and frequent speaker on faith and public life. He is the author of God’s Politics, and his latest book is Rediscovering Values: A Guide for Economic and Moral Recovery. He is President and CEO of Sojourners and editor-in-chief of Sojourners magazine, which has a combined print and online readership of more than 250,000 people. He is a husband, father of two young boys, and a Little League baseball coach.