Welcoming the Stranger

The Bible is clear that the people of God should extend love to the stranger, the foreigner, and the immigrant. But what are the implications of this teaching for the public square? As the Church attempts to apply their sacred scripture to the current immigration debate, Jenny Hwang-Yang offers a new perspective that combines justice with compassion.

Jenny Yang is the Director of Advocacy and Policy for the Refugee and Immigration Program at World Relief. In this position, Jenny works with members of Congress, their staffers, and the Administration to improve refugee and immigration policy. She previously worked in the Resettlement section of World Relief as the Senior Case Manager and East Asia Program Officer where she focused on advocacy for refugees in the East Asia region and managed the entire refugee caseload for World Relief before their arrival to the United States. Jenny has researched refugee and asylum law in Madrid, Spain through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. She is co-author of Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion and Truth in the Immigration Debate.