Almost Amish

We live exhausted lives full of carpool lines, emails, teleconferences, and social events. In the midst of it all, statistics show we’re less satisfied with our jobs, battle stress more, and often fail to nurture healthy home lives. Nancy Sleeth wonders, “Are the Amish on to something?” In this unique presentation, she challenges all of us to make family and faith a focal point while reclaiming the art of simple living.

Nancy Sleeth and her family radically altered their footprint, after a spiritual and environmental conversion experience, reducing their electricity use to one-tenth and their fossil fuel use to one-third the national averages. Prior to heeding this environmental calling, Sleeth served as communications director for a Fortune 500 company and as a high school and college educator and administrator. Sleeth is a graduate of Georgetown University and holds a masters degree in journalism. She is the author of Go Green, Save Green: A Simple Guide to Saving Time, Money, and God’s Green Earth, the first-ever practical guide for going green from a faith perspective. Nancy is the Program Director of Blessed Earth, a faith-based nonprofit focusing on environmental stewardship. Nancy’s forthcoming book Almost Amish will be released in April.